Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
speaker, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Great Leaders Mix And Match!
Our society faces a number of major challenges. Many of them are complex, also called 'wicked problems'. To solve them, cross-over cooperation between silos and sectors is crucial. Designing these collaborations and finding new solutions needs a new discipline: cross-industry innovation.
Ramon Vullings is on a mission to help people to look outside their sector and make more beautiful combinations!
Ramon Vullings
Ramon speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy.
Ramon Vullings helps business leaders with strategies, tools & skills to look beyond the borders of their domain to transform their business in a digital & smarter way
1 minute showreel of Ramon in action
Ramon's TEDx talk
Example keynote
Sharpen your business strategy with ideaDJ Ramon Vullings, an enthusiastic cross-industry expert and passionate, interactive speaker.
Ramon speaks about creativity & innovation in the digital age for organisations such as NASA, Rabobank, Pfizer, Nike, Volkswagen, TEDx, Siemens, PwC, FloraHolland, AB InBev, Deutsche Telekom & Audi. His speeches can be adapted to the specific needs of your event and target group.
Ramon's speaking style is charismatic, passionate and interactive. As one of the most engaging speakers in the world, Ramon grabs any audience with a combination of research, visuals, humor, stories and practical business tools.
Described by clients as ‘electrifying and passionate speaker’.
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
Ramon Vullings
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ
A selection of happy clients. Read the testimonials here.
Ramon is an electrifying and passionate speaker,
his talk on the topic of cross-industry innovation & creativity was one of the most well received talks at the NASA summit.
Omar Hatamleh, Chief Innovation Officer – NASA
Join the ideaDJ community !
Be the first to know about new insights & tools.
Ideas don’t need to be new to the world,
they just need to be new to you,
to your context or audience.
- Ramon Vullings
Ramon gave a keynote speech at our ANVR “need for speed” conference in Abu Dhabi.
He immediately set the tone for an inspiring conference.
Ramon was the perfect start of a perfect event.
Frank Oostdam, Director – ANVR
Company details
Twinkeling B.V.
Antwerp (Belgium)
London (UK)
VAT: BE 0774.530.647
CoC: 0774.530.647
KBC Bank Belgium
IBAN: BE29 7330 6175 3664
Ramon Vullings is an engaging keynote speaker, business author, cross-industry expert & ideaDJ 🚀
Ramon speaks about bringing the outside world in and why remixing of ideas cross-sector is a smart strategy for future-fit leaders.